Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Carol June LeFevre Jones Shields - Your Grandma Carol

Grandma Carol

Back Row - Your great aunt Lynette, Grandma Carol, and great aunt Marilyn
Front Row - your Great Grandma Rella Beckstead LeFevre

What I know about Grandma Carol.  She is going to straight to heaven someday.  She has spent her entire life caring for others.  She raised a family of 6 (5 boys and 1 girls) pretty much on her own.  When Ray wasn't out working he was out playing.  She was divorced with 2 little kids still living at home. I was 5 and Ryan 7.  She worked 2 jobs to pay for everything we had, which wasn't much.  Grandma and Grandpa LeFevre helped take care of us when we were little and she was working.  After Ryan and I were grown and moved out my older brother Jeff (who had diabetes really bad) moved back home so she could take of him.  He was almost blind and had several strokes making it really hard for him to get around.  He was pretty mean and after a few years he had to go to a care center.  She married Joe and he got sick and she's been taking care of him for years now.  I always wonder when it will be her turn for someone to just take care of her for a change.  She always worked so hard.  I've always been extremely proud that she's my mom.  She was the fun mom that me and my friends wanted to drive us to cheerleading or volleyball camp.

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